You have some good points...and I don't consider myself Libertarian although I agree with MOST of their views on paper.
The first issue I have with your view is you believe Government is the answer. In my experience, Government intervention does not improve anything - ever.
You say that government is the check on corporate power, and that yes some regulations can be excessive, but you don't spell out who and where is the check on government power? The real answer is, there is none. For evidence, look at Venezuela - and how powerless Business was to stop Big Government.
The other issue I take is you focus only on corporatism evils, as a rebuttal to libertarianism. Libertarian ideology covers MUCH more than Milton Friedman free markets.
Ending the drug war, ending marijuana incarceration, leaving abortion legal, providing religious freedom beyond just Evangelical Christianity, ensuring freedom of speech beyond Puritan decency laws, ending global wars... these are all liberal wet dreams. And they are more a part of Libertarianism than anything Milton Friedman said.
So what is wrong with all this?