You don’t understand Republicans

4 min readApr 15, 2022


…and because of this, Democrats will lose bigly in 2022, 2024

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I come from a socially conservative family, and can safely say the Democrats / Liberals are clueless about what drives Republican voters.

First, racism is about 4% of Republicans’ success. It’s not nothing, and it’s not a coincidence that few if any on the GOP side ever speak out against Neo Nazis. But except for certain pockets like western Pennsylvania, Idaho, and the Florida panhandle, in most of the country GOP support has almost nothing to do with whiteness. Tim Scott is very popular in South Carolina, for crying out loud. Interracial dating is almost more common than not among younger GOP voters in Georgia and Texas.

Second, stop pushing back in the 2020s against “hard work = success”, “family values,” and other messages broadcast by Republicans during the 1990s. Focusing resistance on GOP mantras from 30 years ago is like preparing to play the New England Patriots today, after Tom Brady has left the team, and focusing the strategy on decrying Deflategate.

Third. Republicans want to win. Pure and simple. What worked in the 1990s vs. Bill Clinton, morality and character, would not work in the 2010s vs Barack Obama. The Republicans effectively adjusted their message. What Mitch McConnell said in 2016, when blocking any nominee from President Obama to the Supreme Court, did not matter in 2020, when Mitch McConnell had an opportunity to rush through a new nominee from President Trump. He effectively adjusted his message.

Mitch McConnell has made his agenda very clear, in sporadic interviews throughout his time as Senate Majority Leader — and Minority Leader. He wants to push the Courts far toward Conservative ideology. All of his behaviors, statements, and cooperations with Donald Trump, are consistent with this agenda.

But Democrats and liberals have a terrible tendency to whine and cry “no fair!” as if that is going to change things, or somehow win people over to the Left’s cause. Anybody not completely enmeshed in the Democratic pigpen need only look at the scoreboard:

Mitch McConnell 2, Democrats 0. That’s all that matters.

Democrats continue to self-soothe themselves in the impossibility that Republican voters somehow care about Republican hypocrisy. Republican voters don’t.

Republican voters care about Republican priorities. #1 right now is controlling the border with Mexico. Catch-and-release-in-USA evokes images of zombie hoards walking in, unchecked, to illegally live in and leech from honest hard-working Americans. Many I know who immigrated to the USA legally, or waited in line for their Green Cards, feel strongly about illegal immigration. Democrats are pretending this issue isn’t a problem.

Other Republican priorities include Pro-Life, inflation, a job-stable economy, basic rule of law (Defund the Police cost the Democrats at least 3 Senate seats in 2020), and the freedom to own guns to prevent government tyranny (another issue the Democrats don’t come close to understanding).

Trump was perceived as a successful businessman. Trump was the first Republican leader to FIGHT for Republican priorities, really since Reagan. Democrats have run the unstable failed businessman megalomaniac campaign from 2016 through 2022, and you know what? Nobody cares. Not one credible smoking gun of evidence has emerged after six years of headlines, investigations, and grand juries. But today’s headlines are almost word for word the same as 2016’s headlines. And 2017’s, 2018’s, and 2020’s.

Democrats today look like a radical, ivory tower elite, out of touch with voters’ interests. The White House is still messaging that inflation will go back down on its own. Not to mention the increasingly old and cognitively challenged Democratic senior leadership: Joe Biden? Dianne Feinstein? When’s the last time Steny Hoyer or Jim Clyburn actually did anything? Have you actually listened to Nancy Pelosi talk in the past year, compared with 20 years ago? This is all an easy story to sell to Independents. How do Democrats look when they complain about top-down bigotry against women, then body shame and sexuality shame Kyrsten Sinema? Republicans come across as drama free, mentally cognizant (aside from Trump), and well-organized. These things tend to matter in November.

I am not a Republican. In fact, I could write a very unpopular opinion on the Daily Wire that talks about how the Republicans are guilty of nearly every asinine thing they accuse Democrats of practicing.

No, I am not a Republican. But I know how Republicans think. Most Democrats, do not bother with trying to understand how Republicans think. And the 2022–2024 massive shift to the right will be a well deserved rebuke to a political party that has made its bed out of complacency, complaining, and short-sightedness.




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