You do come across as a partisan polemic. Until you spell out concrete and base-challenging activities from left-wing radicals, and identify their figurehead in name way as you do Donald J. Trump, you are the very definition of contributing towards the ever-increasingly charged atmosphere.
You show your hand when you say things like, "while the actual nature of this [Satanic] Force is impossible to know..."
For one thing, you are further escalating tensions by calling Republicans Satanic. As if Hitler wasn't extreme enough.
And for another thing, you don't understand Republicans or their motivations in the slightest. WHY are they behind Trump so strongly? Can you articulate two reasons? I can give you ten. And legitimate reasons - not BS like "Because the patriarchy wants to maintain its grip of control." (here's a clue: any hidden forces that be, have at least as much control over the Democrats. Bernie Sanders won't talk about Democratic power brokers; because he is just another pawn keeping the hypocrisy alive)
Donald Trump is not Satan. The MAGA movement is not a Satanic Force. When Donald Trump does something that goes leagues beyond Hitler (who exterminated 6 million Jews, and let's draw that as the baseline), then you can call him Satan. But not until.
I will agree with you, Donald Trump running in 2024 would be no favor for Democrats. Neither would Joe Biden running.