While I agree with you that slipping in $8-$10/mo for an unneeded service is slimy....
In many ways this is nothing new:
- Car companies have been pushing lease agreements over purchases, since I first got my license
- Newspaper subscriptions have been around forever, and online subscriptions (at least for NYT) have simply replaced the print.
But also there are still permanent licenses available:
- You can still buy Microsoft Word on a permanent license basis. I believe Office 2021 costs between $150-$450 depending on what you want ($450 for full professional suite)
- Same with movies - blu-ray and DVDs are still available for purchase.
- I personally consider a music subscription MUCH less expensive than buying 20-50 CD's year after year...so I am not complaining about this.
Lastly, starting counter-companies is a great idea. If there are people who have the ambition to do it.