1 min readJan 1, 2022


What is OAN?

You're twisting my words to an extreme degree.

I never said "bigotry" towards gay and trans people. Read what I said, and how I said it, again.

BBB would take our sky-high 7.2% inflation and make it much higher. Even the non-partisan CBO, hardly a conservative think tank during GOP administrations, kept revising the real cost upward despite Biden and his sycophants saying it wouldn't cost anything.

Black Lives Matter shouts all of the right headlines, and then actually does nothing except buy its leader a shiny new house in Malibu. What have they actually DONE besides show outrage? Have they done anything for victims' families? The answer is no.

Critical Race Theory is very prevalent in K-12 schools and Leftists' continual denial this is happening...despite overwhelming anecdotes...well you used the word "lying."

I assume by "Cheato" you mean Trump... I'm not aware of how he ever cheated. He might have tried to, but he never did.

Again, you have done nothing to disprove my point. You are framing everything using Democratic metrics and talking points. Which does not work. Fact is, Conservatives believe the GOP is the only ones fighting for their rights - and their property. Much more vigorously, and much more effectively, than any Democrat (except for perhaps Joe Manchin - and even that is an alliance of convenience).




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