1 min readNov 30, 2021


Venezuela is ruled by “Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela,” or the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. It was ushered in through the Bolivarian Revolution led by Hugo Chavez, who eventually nationalized much of the private sector, seized corporate building to give to the people, and basically turned Venezuela into a textbook Socialist state. His chief colleague was Fidel Castro, etc., etc., etc. Venezuela followed the socialist, left wing playbook step by step……..and as a natural result, became a dictatorship just like every other Left Wing state. Socialist states like Venezuela don’t exploit workers…they just let proletariats starve to death. While the leaders eat fat and happy. THAT’S Socialism.

European Social Democracy is NOT Left Wing. In fact, Denmark told Bernie Sanders to stop comparing his democratic socialism, with their social democracy — they are completely different animals.

Truth is, Left Wing governments have never once worked. USSR, Ethiopia, and arguably the only real success has been China.

Left Wing is no better in practice than Right Wing.




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