True, Haley could not beat Trump. Nobody could beat Trump after the Democrats did so much to prop him up.
Also, the Democrats went after Haley with much more ferocity and vigor than they went after Trump, during the Primary season. It's like the DEMOCRATS wanted Trump to be the nominee, as they saw him as the weaker choice vs Biden.
Amy K would have beaten Trump in 2020. Again, in 2024, with all the prop-ups he got, it would have been tough.
But also consider, Democratic donors gave Kamala a BILLION dollars in donations. They had to have thought she had a realistic chance to win.
I would really have liked to seen Haley vs Klobuchar. But the Democrats seem to want to sweep Klobuchar under the carpet at this point. Same with Booker. I really don't know why they are going after their own best candidates with such vitriol. But that is another topic.