1 min readFeb 16, 2022


This reminds me of the classic Thoreau vs Emerson debate.

They were saying the same thing, but Ralph Waldo Emerson used to make his words as easily accessible as possible, whereas Henry David Thoreau thought his words were only meant for those who put in the work to understand them. They would even argue about it as they were friends.

I used to only be interested in Emerson, and even Walden Pond I thought was impossibly cryptic so what was the literary value. Then a mentor, who was an English major, told me that Emerson bored him to tears and at least Thoreau gave him a little bit of a workout.

This happens with music (Herbie Hancock definitely makes you work at it, to get what he's playing), and probably any other art form.

Jordan Peterson is definitely in the Thoreau camp. But I do think he is trying to communicate something of greater depth, than just the points he is making. I do feel he is trying to communicate an understanding, and probably using more words than others might need.




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