This is some real 2+2=5 shit right here.
Libertarianism is not alt-right. It is not blood-and-soil racism. It is not even a major or influential force in the Republican Party.
If anything on this world is authoritarian, it's government. Corporations come a distant second (who is more cruel, Jeff Bezos or Vladimir Putin?)
Less government = less authoritarianism.
Now you raise an interesting question, "what if some people in society want to see capital and labor allocated in a different way, in pursuit of different priorities?" and there is a huge difference between "some people" vs "a large majority."
The free market allows "a large majority" of people to stop purchasing products and services from companies whose ethics they detest. Don't like Amazon or Walmart? go to Target. Get Z doesn't like Facebook? They use Tiktok. There is nothing authoritarian about this. This is free market at work.