Oct 8, 2021

The second is around Social Media.

I'd say Social Media is PROFITING on our thoughts. The content comes from ordinary people.

This has been the news and media's business model since the days of yellow journalism. The loudest wheel gets the most attention. Eyeballs and clicks (or # of newspapers sold) are the king metric.

Both the Left, and the Right use this tactic.

If Zuck isn't profiting on it, somebody else will. Facebook isn't really that different from MySpace, Friendster, LiveJournal, Tribe, or any of those other networks. Or, today, Reddit, Discord, and YouTube.

I think Social Media is more of a case of "go where people are spending their time" than a case of "Hmm how can we create this platform to control people" - if anybody is doing this, it's the Chinese government.

Zuck is just a tech kid from Harvard with aspergers and an overactive imagination.


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