1 min readDec 30, 2021


The Proletariat siezing property and livelihood from the Borgeouse is a hallmark of Marx philosophy and it was first implemented (as far as I know) by Lenin.

If you can tell me that China, Venezuela, Ethiopia, the USSR, and every other implementation of "Socialism" to date is totalitarian like Lenin, then I might agree with you.

And then if you can present an example of Socialism that has worked in the world, and is NOT totalitarian, I would be open to it.

Liz Warren IS smart. Harvard Professor, multimillionaire consultant, and started the consumer financial protection board. The problem I have with Liz Warren is she's not open to learning anything new. Because she thinks she knows it all already. She is the very worst of "us vs them" mentality... and I've worked in the banking sector and some of the things she says are just not true. But she's not open to any feedback on how to better understand things. Her regulations don't really harm Big Corporate America, they harm middle markets companies - who cannot afford to comply with ever-increasing regulations. This plays into the hands of the big banks like JP Morgan Chase. And now she is anti-Crypto with very thin arguments, which is also helping JP Morgan Chase.




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