Thank you Tim for your comment, as well as linking your story. Highly recommended.
My only objection is that the Chimp definition of Alpha Male does not reflect what people in my own observation are looking for. In my life, people have wanted the following: 1) Confidence. 2) Reputation. 3) Strength (be it physical, intellectual or spiritual). There have been several situations where I have led with empathy, and because of this, have been labelled as a/the Beta Male. Now I don't care, but this certainly sabotaged my opportunities for development as a leader.
So leadership is not just an ideal, but a combination of real-world experience, as well as perspective from those who have succeeded above and beyond. I continue to admire many of Obama's qualities - including respectfulness when he wanted. (He could also be quite forceful and belligerent) But on every stage from world leader to city nightclub, it is often the most forceful who is respected and unchallenged as the "Alpha Male."