Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, it is incredibly filled with lies.
I have a very good understanding of what Trump/GOP plans are.
If Trump wins, the United States will not be transformed into a one-party authoritarian religious state.
What you say IS hyperbole.
I don't know who "project's authors" are, or what project you mean.
Project 2025 is complete fiction. It has zero chance of ever getting implemented.
Trump's Agenda 47 is not going to turn the US into an authoritarian religious state. Please tell me one platform position that will do this. I happen to agree with some of the platform positions, including Turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower, end the weaponization of government against its own people, and keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency. These are common sense that any American should support.
What you say about "we do not have the luxury of being picky about what Harris "stands FOR,"" is extraordinarily dangerous. Harris has been nominated without a single vote from the people. THAT is dangerous to the future of Democracy in the US.
Last, Kamala has absolutely no policy platform. None. Zero. At least Trump spells out what he will do (and please stop believing that Project 2025 has any basis on reality...if you compare it vs the Republican Platform, there is no overlap). Kamala? She sticks with generic feel good platitudes and nobody knows what will happen if she gets into office. This is dangerous on a scale at least equal to that of Trump.
(for what it's worth: not a Trump supporter)