2 min readMay 28, 2024


Re: Israel, I always thought of Bill Maher as "Left" but I know he is not speaking for everybody these days.

IMO the "election" of 2016 was not the fall of government integrity... I could actually make a case for the election of 2000 being just that. I do agree DJT has no regard for law or order himself, and that is something "law & order" Republicans should remember.

Okay government vs corporations: pick your poison. On the positive, governments give us the option to vote in somebody new, while corporations give us the option to buy from somebody else.

But just as corporations make "real choice" impossible, so do governments.

We technically have "elections" but the Dem establishment has very undemocratically squashed any kind of primary process. I mean there were primaries, but there were no debates, nor any real promotion of candidates. Also, look how long Steny Hoyer was house majority leader, while doing absolutely nothing for his final 10 years. Katie Porter blasts out "rigged!" when she loses a primary fair and square, proving she cares nothing for the people and only cares about herself. And she was the #2 leader of the House Progressive Caucus. That's Dem leadership for you. And this is just the Dem side; I haven't even started to shit on Mitch McConnell or the fact that a pedophile named Dennis Hastert was the longest serving House Speaker of all time. Then look at governments of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, etc. No real vote. To me, all this means government integrity cannot be trusted.

At least when corporations fuck up, they can go out of business - Enron and Lehman Bros for example. It doesn't happen often enough, but it does happen. With a Government, I feel we the people have no real choice so there is no option to patronize an alternative. In other words, we are stuck with our entrenched and complacent oligarchy with no recourse.




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