Or...what :)
Thank you for your honest question.
But I think I said / implied the Democrats need to get rid of all their LEADERS and start over.
"Entitlements" is a charged word. Social Security, IMO, is not an entitlement. We pay for it, after all. Same with unemployment. Welfare as it was ended by Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich, on the other hand, was.
You could say Entitlements represents everything from research grants to defense contracts. Or, what exactly do you (personally) mean by Entitlements.
Do I believe in no taxes? No. I think the government works best when they provide infrastructure - interstate highways, US Postal service, police, fire departments, 911, etc. And I am happy to pay taxes for that. But I believe we cannot do what Paul Krugman has suggested, amp up social spending to multiple times that of GDP, mint a bunch of trillion dollar coins, and pretend the spending has just gone away.