My personal experience with online, the brand new dating sites are much more worthwhile, until they reach a critical mass. Think Coffee Meets Bagel.
I do remember geeks meeting partners online even in the early 90s, before the Internet became a thing. It sort of worked...and was not unlike that scene in Napoleon Dynamite.
I would agree with you on today's online dating.
But I am talking about dating in general.
People SAY one thing, then seek out and choose something else.
I'm not blaming "women" for this. Men are at least as guilty of it. In their own way.
What I generally find women look for in selection are things like "chemistry", tall, rich, and the man other women so clearly want. The old saying that 80% of women fight over 20% of men is very true in my experience.
And I've BEEN that man whom women fight over. Women who completely ignored me, suddenly showed renewed interest after their friend chose me. And to be honest, I felt it reflected poorly on both of them.
All of which goes against what you say people want.