My goal is to be able to not HAVE to work another day for the rest of my life.
Everything on top of that is gravy.
Naturally I don't want to be stuck in South Sudan.
I can always choose to work - I used to freelance and did pretty well at it, so I could easily take on a new assignment.
Renting instead of owning makes a lot of things simpler; I could go to Bali, where rents are about $600/mo. Or I could go to a community in Upstate NY where rents are about $1000/mo. Of course I'd need a car and such, so say $2000/mo aside from health expenses, visiting family once per year, etc.
At $2k/mo, I could easily live for 5 years, although unexpected things come up, I do like to travel, etc.
If I were financially free, my focus would be on two things exactly:
- Meditation practice
- Making money (I approach it somewhere between an art form, and a game)
What really does NOT work for me, is this month-over-month, year-over-year, pressure of a career full of promotions, bonuses, perception, optics, politics, brown-nosing, fear of becoming obsolete and replaced, etc. I really despise it, which is why I preferred to freelance; because I didn't need to care.
What's the diagnosis doc?