Nov 3, 2021


Look, I am extremely green... and I do believe we need to take drastic action to save the Earth.

But you mention "truth" so many times and then seem to place all blame at the hands of capitalism.

The "truth" is that there is more to climate change, and reversing climate change, than blaming the 0.0001% for all the world's problems.

For example: Build Back Better, the full $6.5 Trillion version, has under $200 billion over 10 years allocated to development of green technologies. Most "climate change" provisions focus on new taxes, tax credits, and government purchases of green vehicles. These are useless measures. $20 billion per year for R&D is not nearly enough. But it's the LEFT, who decided climate change tech was only worth 3% of a one-time, $6.5T bill.




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