It is worth noting that Ron Paul became chairman of the House Finance Committee, and he never made a move to end, or even audit, the Fed.
Also, Ron Paul faced incredible negative attention since his very first house run. George H.W. Bush actively campaigned against him. He's been thrown under the bus by his own party ever since. My point is he's not a bombastic egomaniac bomb-thrower like Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders (neither of whom I am a fan). He's simply a Libertarian, which neither the GOPe nor DEMe likes.
I think you're wrong about there being no causation between money printing and inflation. The US has been able to control inflation since 2007 because the Fed has many economic levers to pull. But they've also changed the CPI formula to reduce the appearance of inflation (compare 2022 CPI formula vs 1980), and also several categories are underreported - Restaurants have only increased prices by 5% the past year? I don't think so.
Last, on a more positive note, I do think it a fair question to ask what Value cryptocurrencies really have. I struggle to answer this myself, and the only good answer I've heard from anybody is "store of value." There are reasons why blockchain will NEVER replace certain systems in effect today, such as it cannot architecturally handle Internet of Things volume. But... there is a possibility where Crypto (& Blockchain) will find a niche in the world to stay. Personally I feel it needs a killer app besides DeFi.