I'm mixed on this article. The rules have changed, for sure. But I don't think men have changed as drastically as some say.
Most men used to follow a predictable track: work, sports, drinking, and church.
Now, more men are getting into yoga, personal psychology, and creative pursuits.
But guys are guys. Look up any "Dad Jokes" list. Guys still buy houses, build things, and watch sports together.
I don't see nerdy things being completely newly mainstream - every guy was into Star Wars in the 80s. And not every guy is into League of Legends today.
I will agree with your point #4: Men feel they can't be men anymore. Me Too and other crap movements haven't changed men, it's made men repress who they are. That's not a good thing.
Also, men are far more suspicious about entering into a wedding relationship or wanting to become fathers. Due to institutionalized custody bias toward the mother. I've almost certainly not had children for this very reason. Again, this is not a good thing.
I think what we want, or at least what I want, is somebody who sees me and is able to support me in going for and achieving my highest ambitions. I would absolutely commit to somebody who is able to do this. Even if she is not everything on my "list."
I do think single men could use some positive social peer pressure toward sticking with their commitments.