I'm actually okay with the messenger. I could go into "there's no way Biden wrote this speech," but let's give him benefit of the doubt.
Here is the full text / transcript:
I mostly liked this speech. Talking about one America, our greatness, the challenges ahead, and overall is the kind of speech I wanted to see/hear from Biden throughout his presidency. I wish he wouldn't have waited until this very final speech, to be...presidential.
Some of his acknowledgements are worth credit. Strengthening NATO, which Trump almost certainly weakened. Negotiating the Israel/Hamas cease fire. Jobs coming back to America. How our economy came back after COVID. Peaceful and orderly transfer of power. All good things.
That said, there are some areas where I disagree:
* I don't think he had a great working relationship with his vice president Kamala Harris. Why even mention this bald faced lie.
* He talks about the oligarchy of wealth and power...after giving a Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros.
* The "tech-industrial complex" is centered around the Magnificent Seven, who directly bankrolled the Democratic Party the past 20 years and still today is the entire Democratic Party in California.
* Talks about term limits for Supreme Court justices, while ignoring the certainly bigger need for term limits for Congresspeople.
* "The president's power is not absolute, and it shouldn't be" - after giving full pardon to Hunter Biden for anything and everything.
* "We need to get dark money — that’s that hidden funding behind too many campaigns’ contributions — we need to get it out of our politics." - while he made a 50 year career out of accepting dark money from billionaires, unions, and other special interests.
The problem I have with the entire Biden presidency and what it became, was the pettiness they displayed toward Republicans, but even moreso the utter and total hypocrisy about pointing the finger at the other side while ignoring and even covering up the very same egregious violations on their own side.