I would agree 10x on this.
The danger of any democracy is the risk of mob rule.
Which very much happens in the USA.
On the right, there are corporations, evangelical leaders, talking heads (pioneered by Rush Limbaugh), and conservative special interests like the NRA.
Equally dangerous, on the liberal side there are certain unions (Randi Weingarten absolutely needs to go...she cares a lot more about retaining her seat, than about America's children), activist groups ("Defund the police!"), socialism groups ("Anybody who doesn't agree with our 3% wealth tax is bought & paid for by the corporations!" "$10 Trillion in new Social Spending...and more next year!"), and establishment politicians in office for 40+ years who do absolutely nothing yet sit in extended hospice in major leadership positions (Steny Hoyer, and at least 6 others).
If either side wants to be credible, they need to clean up their own house. Or, a third party needs to be started by somebody like Andrew Yang (isn't that was Ross Perot was supposed to do?).