2 min readSep 1, 2024


I think this is a well written, thoughtful article.

My contribution, as. a man who wants to see healthier relationships between the sexes, is that it has to be a cooperative effort.

Right now, we have women blaming men, and men blaming women, for the state of things. That is not helpful.

I agree that men should call each other out for abusive and un-gentlemenly behavior. This did used to happen, and it was a lot of what kept men in line for decades if not centuries.

But women have a powerful role to play in this as well. First, by choosing good men. Not every man is an incel or raging violent abuser. I don't know what the percentage is in Korea, but I'm sure it is above 0%. Those are the men women should go after, and it will inspire more men to be the right kind of man.

Second, this 4B movement is not helpful. I understand its reasons, but withholding sex from men altogether will lead to MORE incels, and more violence.

Some of you may not like this perspective, but you want a man to help quash victimization and targeting of women? It is my opinion that the only thing keeping all of us men from becoming violent, is the presence of women in our lives. Take that away, and the result will be worse not better than what it is now. Look at Northern India. something like 80% male/female ratio, due to that horrific gender-based abortion practice. It will continue becoming more violent, until the gender balance restores in that region.

Yes, I dislike what I see younger men turning into today. I would do something to help it. But the few good men that are left, cannot turn all of the confused men onto the right track ourselves. We need ladies' help, and what we need is more than "YOU are the bad ones!!!"




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