I really think you are in for a hard awakening in the next 1-2 years.
Inflation continues to accelerate, interest rates are near 0% (at the institutional level), and neither is good for the working class. Yes it is a Republican talking point, but one I actually agree with. Inflation can single-handedly take this country down, and look at Turkey as Exhibit A.
Note I don't blame Biden for this. "Bubble-nomics" has existed since the internet craze of the late 1990s. In mid 2000s it was housing, and there has been one bubble after another, with crashes only saved by Quantitative Easing. To be honest I would blame George W. Bush, for propping up the real estate bubble in the 2000s then bailing out the economy in the late 2000s - a policy that has continued ever since.
Obama and Trump continued this trend, and now we are approaching end of the line with Biden. The only way to break the back of Inflation is a Paul Volker style interest rate recession, a la 1982, and neither Biden nor Trump have the courage to do this.
I do agree the Infrastructure bill was a huge win. We've been talking about crumbling infrastructure for a long time, and now Washington has finally done something about it.
The other major issue that needs to be addressed is climate. And I'm not talking about the mere pittance offered in Build Back Better.