I just haven't stayed those clerkliness hotels. I do travel a fair amount, and every AirBNB I've stayed in (two or three dozen times) is owned by a single person or family - who I can meet and/or talk to, who introduces me to local restaurant owners, etc.
The concept of a Bed 'n Breakfast is NOT an evil thing. I MUCH prefer a BNB to a large hotel chain. And the large hotel chains are using their lobbying dollars etc., to kill off AirBNB through crony corporatism - they already did in NYC.
I hear what you are saying...I just haven't seen it myself. I know that Blackrock and others are doing what you are describing. But that would happen with or without AirBNB. For example, again NYC - BlackRock is still buying properties, they're just turning to other means (Craigs List, etc.) to rent them to people.