I hear you, and your frustration. I voted against Trump twice and both times the majority of my reason was to protect women's rights. And the environment.
Unfortunately Roe v Wade, Christian fascism, and a possible domino effect of cascading regression is not a binary, black and white issue.
- The leaders of today's Left are complacent, ineffective, and taking out their own instead of fighting the other side. Why do you think their only strategy the past two months has been to release statements of outrage?
- The Left in general has been asleep for the past 20 years, when it comes to grassroots organization, voting locally (including state assemblies), and actually doing anything at all. How long has the House's Top 3 been in office, and what exactly have they done for the last 16 years? Chuck Schumer is much less effective than Mitch McConnell. The Right organizes local voting drives, while the Left organizes protests.
- The Left is in an ongoing civil war with itself. 5 of the 6 conservative Supreme Court justices were nominated by Presidents who only got into office because of Left civil war instigators: Ralph Nader in 2000, and Bernie Sanders in 2016. Republicans are much better at supporting their own come November. You never saw a conservative stalwart sabotaging the President in November - the closest was Pat Buchanan in 1992, but even he backed down after he lost the primary season. Democrats could learn from this.
- Roe v. Wade was a questionable legal decision. Claiming it is a matter of "privacy" and 1st Amendment was a poor strategy. I'm not a lawyer but liberal legal circles are saying the 14th Amendment was much more solid ground. Another argument is that Roe should not have been a Supreme Court decision at all, because the trend was clearly going that direction anyway, and Roe galvanized the then-fringe Christian Right and gave it a cause.
I could go on. But the Left right now is a mess. They care more about "trans women" winning sports competitions, and defending men rapists who call themselves women, than they care about actually protecting women. There is no focus on women's rights, except to complain about the Christian Right. That is not a strategy.
And with such weak allies, it is no wonder the other side is able to steamroll over everything at will.
The only hope is to restore the Left to a place of integrity and sound strategy. Take a page from the gay marriage movement - now that was some organized activism.