I have never been in violation of common courtesy, first of all.
I was repeating my request for information, until I got the information I was requesting. Then I agreed.
Also another person does not need YOU to defend them.
I don't treat people as underlings I order around, or children following my lead. And I am definitely not "entitled" or "mean." I am having independent, engaged, interested discussions where I can learn things, or I can help clarify messaging.
Wealth being infinite is not theoretical. This DOES happen a lot. Look at how the total wealth that exists on the world has grown exponentially. This is not just crypto, but crypto will eventually be part of this exponential growth. Every time the finance sector trys to control things too much, a Bitcoin is created. Or an Internet is created. Or a recreational marijuana law is passed in Colorado/Washington. These are all ground floor opportunities for ordinary people to get in on massive wealth creation before the institution does. Yes, the institution does catch up (for example, now with Bitcoin and Blackrock). But it took over 10 years for the institution to get on board with Bitcoin. It took nearly 10 years fro the institution to get on board with the Internet.
What I disagree with from you is "Coins are limited." Look at a chart comparing the US money supply, vs the total wealth in the US. $100 in coins can result in $10 Million in wealth. And I am not talking 50x derivatives leverage or anything else risky.
Finally, I make an effort to stay educated. I will watch Lex Friedman interviews with Richard Wolff - one of few who can claim with authenticity that Bernie Sanders is not a legitimate Leftist. I've read more of Project 2025 than most people here. But some people (nobody on this thread) will write pages and pages that is rambling and without substance, fact, or clarity in making its point. and I won't read through that.