I had typed a long response and clicked off of the comments section, and the whole comment got deleted... Medium come on...
I absolutely experience that liberal women are more attracted to conservative men than liberal men.
I live in New York City. Conservative single men, who have a spine, a good job, and a clue, can have 4 dates lined up on any given week. Liberal single men, who are more accommodating, maybe don't focus on career so much, and attend rallies/etc., are lucky to connect with one woman in 4 months.
There are exceptions. Most of the hipster liberal men I've known who are rather successful with the ladies, (besides artists including good computer programmers) are in my opinion on the narcissistic side. And some women who are truly strong human beings, not just loud ones, see through the smokescreens and select a genuinely nice guy with whom they know they will be happy.
But planning the dates, paying for dinner, calling a cab, being a strong and silent listener, and yes making her feel like a lady... these are "traditional" desires and expectations and most woke liberal men haven't learned these skills. "Rugged individualist" conservative men have.
ps - I have never, ever, had a liberal girlfriend who asked me to be less traditional from a chivalry perspective. I have, however, had liberal girlfriends ask me to be more traditional.