Apr 15, 2023


I grew up in a conservative family. I don't consider myself a "conservative" for many reasons, but one of my chief complaints about liberals/progressives is they don't understand conservatives or what they are really fighting for.

There is actually a lot of nuance, subtlety, and yes differences of opinion within conservative circles. In fact, I cannot think of one issue that is truly binary & universally agreed upon among conservatives. Even abortion.

Yes, there was an air of "you're either with us or against us" during George W. Bush's era. similar to how anti-Trumpers are regarded today.

But the exact same "binary" lockstep pressure exists on the left. Look at how Ana Kasparian is being treated right now - denying her individuality, pressuring all progressives into hyper-conformity, telling everybody how to think, enforcing authoritarianism, etc., etc. It's horrifying.




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