I find it very difficult to believe that a single person in America by now has any remaining illusions as to who Trump is, or what he is about.
So I would question the veracity of this Trump voter caller.
A few thoughts on your takeaways:
- World leaders take Trump more seriously than they did Biden. I am not sure how this can be disputed.
- People who think Trump helped them financially, are not thinking about "financial benefits for working-class Americans."
- "Landslide" is a relative term. But the GOP did win all 3 chambers of government, and Trump won more electoral votes than he did in 2016. That is not misinformation at play.
- Prejudice, bias, and accountability: these all sound like Leftist talking points.
Then this next statement of your is totally false and fabricated: "Trump's rise was built on lies, division, and exploitation of identity politics, while leaders like Harris represent competence and progress." I'm not sure if you are making a stand-up comedy line, or if you need to change your meds, but identity politics is much more a motive of the Left (even you mention that Harris is a "Black and Asian woman"), and Harris is NOT competent.
Harris really didn't accomplish much as a former prosecutor, besides prosecuting black people and fighting to keep them in prison. She has no experience negotiating tough with foreign entities.
More I could say...but in summary,
You decry misinformation and prejudice, while your post is full of it.
For the record: I did not vote for Trump.