I chose not to, but for other reasons - I wanted to travel the world, moved often because I hadn't found a place that felt like home enough, was a lifestyle freelancer and valued being able to take 4 months off when I felt like it. Having a consistent monthly mortgage, property tax bill, closing costs to get in, 6% commission to get out, was more liability cash flow than I wanted to take on.
For me I have life goals, many in fact, and owning a home is not even Top 5. For me it is a nice to have and not a must have.
Part is why is I saw so close hand the housing collapse of 2006. I think houses goes up by 5% annualized, while S&P 500 goes up by 11% annualized. There is a difference in leverage, sure, but I personally feel the dream/pride of home ownership is overrated. The opportunity cost, for me at least, has been too great.