Dec 16, 2021


How are you a professor.

For one thing, Critical Race Theory is the greatest electoral gift to Republicans in more than 20 years. I think the last huge gift is when Democratic infighting in 1993 angered the nation so much that 50 house seats and 10+ Senate seats flipped R in '94.

Dems denying CRT is real, and denying that CRT exists in elementary schools, will GUARANTEE a red landslide in 22.

But the other problem with your article is associating Kyle Rittenhouse (self-defenseman vs white attackers) with Dylan Roof (shooting up a black church). Are you serious?

Also, Jan 6th by a few hundred legitimate right-wing crazies, vs anti-lockdown protests by 40-50% of the nation...again are you serious?

You really don't understand center-right America. And that is why liberals will keep losing.




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