Good points and I am speaking on recall and anecdotes, not hard source data.
And yes I well recall Clinton's gaffe around coal miners, and how that flipped WV from blue-collar blue state (as long as there is a white candidate), to permanent red state.
I DO recall on conservative activism sites, organizing for Republican voters to register as Democrats or participate in open primary voting, to prop up Sanders and weaken Clinton as much as possible. There was effort around the same in 2012, actually to prop up Hillary as the better Democratic choice in an effort to weaken Obama.
Look I am no Hillary cult-follower. I voted for her in 2016. But I am quite aware of how she lost winnable opportunities, both in 2008 and 2016. Just as Al Gore lost 2000 through his own mis-actions.
Last, I am a bit surprised that 15% of PUMA stayed and voted anti-Obama. The sheer force with which feminism unified against Sarah Palin, the day after she was nominated it seemed, made me think Obama was by far decided to be the lesser of the two evils.