Bravo, amen, thank you, subscribed.
We need more people to attempt to bridge the point-of-view gap.
My own experiences:
- Ghost town, yes.
- Outright asking for money, no. But I have gotten several endless questionnaires about what I do, what neighborhood I live in, details about my last vacation...all to qualify money I'd be willing to spend.
- Rudeness, entitlement, lack of effort, transaction mindset - 100% yes to every one.
- Feeling exhausted - absolutely.
- Human element missing - absolutely.
Also, unmatching if I don't respond within 2 hours, endless qualifying questions (not even about money but why did your last relationship break up, family history, etc.), getting suspicious when I ask for a number or let's meet up, forgetting my name, asking the same questions multiple times, and best of all, not showing up to agreed upon date/time because "I think I'm going to stay in" - after I am there.
And I am not an unattractive or impoverished man.
Then I mention some of these complaints to a potential match when asked, "So what do you think of Bumble?", why I don't like such dating apps, and that is seen as a yellow if not orange flag.