Beware the catch-22 in this.
If a man asks too many questions, if he takes too much of an interest in the woman he is with, she will be turned off, say there wasn't enough chemistry, and let's stay as friends.
I can confirm this from my own personal experience. First dates where I was engaged, active listener, empathetic, etc., the chemistry went nowhere.
First dates were I was quiet, let her talk, answered questions but not too much...she was leaning toward me, wanting to know more, asking, "Why don't you ask me any questions??" and similar, and the chemistry was building.
Of course there are extremes, and many men with just poor social skills. (Women too)
Personally, I despise these tactics and don't practice them anymore.
But even women tell men, don't be too open too soon. "Let things unfold." "Slow down." etc. So men have wisely taken that advice, and are reluctant to ask questions that could be perceived as unintentional red flags.