A maximum income limit would be impossible to enforce. How do you even quantify income? AGI? What if somebody is a Managing Partner of a business that makes millions, but pays themselves personally very little. What if somebody is a Limited Partner of that same business? What if somebody moves overseas. What about foreign nationals who work here, but live and are paid millions from their home country. What if somebody works at a hot startup, makes millions in unrealized gains, is taxed on those unrealized gains, then the company goes bankrupt the next year - will they get a refund?
I know it sounds convenient to look at Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and enterprise CEOs and think it's easy to cap their income, but most people who have a lot of money are not nearly so loud about it. I think it was Chris Rock, long ago, who said, "Shaq...he's rich. The white man who signs Shaq's checks...HE'S WEALTHY." And the crowd went LMAO, but still nobody knows who that wealthy man is.
My point is to implement an income cap, would be logistically impossible because rich people have smart accountants - who move fast, while the government is used to moving slow. It would be like turtles trying to catch cats.
As for price increase. I'm not hugely old, but medical costs have been going up a lot since before I was born. Rent has been going up for at least 12 years. And both K-12 school and college have been going up in costs steadily since I graduated. These trends have been happening since before Covid checks, Obamacare, and even George W Bush stimulus checks. In fact I think college tuition assistance today is much less than it was 20 years ago.
I just don't see how UBI drives inflation. People are getting money to spend every month. Unless you are saying that social spending and public assistance in general is the root cause of inflation. Which sounds like something Milton Friedman or Ayn Rand would say.
Now other factors, including money printing, perpetual low interest rates, and blank check government subsidies that increase every year, on the other hand...